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Did you know I can work with anyone, anywhere in the world via Zoom.  


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FAQ – Why Women?

Why it matters for Women?

Womens brains are designed to attach emotion to each and every event and or experience they encounter. That constant head chatter along with our larger Limbic centre  ( Emotional Centre of the Brain ) and our innate nature to nurture and instinctively gather to protect our young. This raises stress levels. 

Especially in modern days, it’s beyond what was once a ‘NOT so stressful’ response we used to engage in. We would respond and then come back to homeostasis, however in the NOW we are constantly ‘ON’ every day. 

To quiet and calm our minds, means we can also lower our stress and raise our emotional intelligence. 

Our Emotions light up the back of our brain while dulling the frontal lobe leading to poor decision-making, confusion; low self-esteem, and an inability to put life into perspective with outcomes that are positive and in alignment with the real truth of who you are. 

Women don’t need to be constantly trying to fix themselves by returning to Personal development events again & again. You have the power to access your own wisdom &  learnings….. you just need the right tool for a woman, NOT a GURU telling you from the outside what to do! 

Creatrix® is here to help you access the best in you that knows what parts to heal, how and when!

What are the most common Blocks Women Experience?
  • NOT GOOD ENOUGH – This is a big issue, even more so for women that dims our light, keeps us small, and suppressed. This is the opposite of living to your potential.
  • FEAR OF FAILURE – It’s part of life, yet it stops women from stepping out.
  • FEAR OF SUCCESS – YES, for most women this is a BIG one. After all, standing out, standing up and speaking up, and BEING SEEN is the opposite of what we’ve been programmed to do over time. This stops us saying ‘pick me’ and so we lose out, again and again wondering why. THIS IS WHY. 
  • WHAT OTHERS THINK / JUDGED CRITICISED – It’s hard enough maintaining self-belief let alone comparing ourselves to others, worrying what others think?? We begin seeing others,  as more successful, further along,  prettier, smarter, etc. Then we start Judging ourselves and being our own worst critic causing Low Self Esteem and leading to Over Emotionalising our world, just never getting ahead!  
  • OVERWHELM (“IT’S TOO HARD”) – This one is the biggest reason we procrastinate till we give up. We need to have you resilient, strong, and able to cope.  We must calm your adrenals and not have you sweating the small stuff. It’s not worth it.
  • GUILT -One of the most crippling killers of the woman’s voice. This one emotion has zero benefits to your happiness and kindness. It is NOT a moral compass. You don’t need one.  
  • HURT – This is so rooted at the base of most of our anger, rage, and masculine emotions. Hurt people can hurt people without realising it. 
What is Creatrix® and the experience?

Creatrix® is a female-formulated process and modality that causes fast, thorough, and long-lasting results mentally, psychologically, emotionally, and sometimes physically. Transformology® is how we get 100% results, 100% of the time with any issue our female clients present with.

The best way to describe it is that the client is taken on a journey by her facilitator to access their own deep inner wisdom to resolve inner conflicts, inherited patterns, cycles, and behaviours. All this without the tears or reliving painful memories or needing to re-tell her story.

Profound ‘life learnings’ are bought into the now which creates unquestionable knowing-ness and alignment for the client’s head, heart and gut simultaneously.

Creatrix® has been designed with using the science of epigenetics and what has been missed within the personal development industry. Science, Psychology, and even NLP, Timeline, and EFT(tapping) are all based on men’s perspectives of how the brain consciously and unconsciously

What they missed is the truth about the female brain, a female’s hormonal cycle, and the emotional connection entwined with her biology and psychology.

Creatrix® is the one process for all issues and is the Ultimate Education program for women.

CREATRIX®️ – IS AN AWARD WINNER 🏆 of The Most Innovative Female Empowerment Program 2023 by APAC Insider Australian Enterprise Awards.

What are the first steps to getting started?

If you’ve reached your ceiling, and you’ve had enough!

 Now, you know you need to “do something” because you’re feeling ‘STUCK’, and you keep going around in circles feeling the same thing day after day!

 – and you’re ready to change your life?

 Your first step is to apply for a reset package by completing our emotional alignment ‘health check’ questionnaire. Book a time for your consultation over zoom so we can identify what’s holding you back and complete your payment.

 The questionnaire is a vital part of the application, so please read it fully.

This information is required so I can be sure you can actually ‘do‘ the method as well as ‘get the result’.

This also is an opportunity for us to connect and for me to get clarity and a clear picture of how you are currently feeling and reacting, however most importantly, how you would like to be feeling and responding in your life instead.

I will then be able to determine if working with me to resolve how you are feeling is the best option for you, or a recommendation for the next step after our consultation.

I look forward to meeting you,

Apply today

Don’t Wait Any Longer. Start Forging Your Own Path Today!