Personal Developent for Women

The UNIQUE SOFTWARE SOLUTION for WOMEN is a new innovative method that raises a woman’s self-esteem and confidence, super fast, safely and for good, guaranteed!

Our Program is designed uniquely for women and how OUR Minds work…

because There IS a difference!

Breaking the Pattern

Lisa will use a new innovative method that raises a woman’s self-esteem and confidence, super fast, safely and for good, guaranteed!

HOW IT WORKS: Lisa takes you on a safe and even fun, mind-visioning adventure. She gets you highly focused into the story, until your self-realised learnings come through.  These educate your unconscious mind on what was always needed to learn, to heal your traumas as far back as a small child.

It’s this process that resolves insecurities, and solves inner conflict, while raising your emotional intelligence, intuition and creativity.

The 5 Stages


Emotional and Limiting Beliefs


Your own soul’s life lessons & tools to move forward


Delete inherited negative patterning


Your entire perspective so you can


The life you want

Are You Ready to Break the Cycles of Your Ancestors?

What if you carried the pain of your ancestors and could unload that? Ever heard of Epigenetics?  It is just a fancy scientific word for ‘you don’t just inherit great grandma’s knobbly knees, you also inherit the emotional scarring, the continuation of certain cycles such as domestic violence, abuse, and insecurities from your ancestors’.  Newest research shows genes have a memory.  Negative emotions are being passed to future generations.  Sounds crazy but it’s true and makes sense too.  Well, this was designed exactly with that in mind.  This genetic cycle CAN be broken and it starts with women.

Lisa Carruthers

You Need My Help When:

You feel you are up against a ‘glass celing”

You don’t feel content

You don’t find joy in everyday living

Your head is full of negative chatter

You are not achieving your goals

You struggle with self-doubt

You feel like a failure

You have suppressed emotions

You have inherited behavioural patterns that you wish you didn’t have

You have a fear of success

You have shame or guilt from past mistakes

You have angry outbursts

You can’t let go of the past

You continually repeat mistakes & make poor choices

You carry ANY negative emotion with you on a daily basis

Another Way to describe the experience……

A metaphoric, conscious/unconscious, deep inner-wisdom-gaining technique using  creative imagination, visualisation, specific character positioning (held by the facilitator),  with the exact right questioning that brings ‘life learnings’ through as the deepest of  unquestionable knowing-ness within. Resolving inherited patterns and behaviours. All of  this without the tears or reliving negative painful memories or needing to know why you  feel the way you do. There doesn’t need to be any reason.

Why Women Suffer Emotionally and Mentally

YOU can be the one to break the pattern

By taking your mind for a reset, you get the life learnings/lessons that HEAL the negatives so that you CANNOT even feel or believe those old sabotaging beliefs anymore. YOU ARE FREE OF THEM ONCE AND FOR ALL because you will KNOW better deep at a core level!

You are then free to design your life and finally move forward. We even remove the issues you may have inherited epigenetically (from where your genes were before they got to you) and may currently be witnessing in your children.

But what if we could go back through our history… all the way back and WIPE OUT the severe suppressed emotions that have been passed down psychologically through our genes?


Lisa Carruthers

We can achieve what traditional psychology has been unable to do, even with severe PTS (Post Traumatic Stress) in many cases.

You are 6 times more likely to experience PTS if you are a woman because of your gender, yet most PTS research is on war veterans only.  Unexpected birth complications, sudden miscarriage, rape, hearing the words ‘You will never have kids’ or ‘Your husband is having an affair’, childhood sexual abuse, domestic violence, the oldest child leaving home… all of these have the capacity to be labeled as Post Traumatic Stress.

There is no such thing as a unisex ‘one type’ brain/body/nervous system etc.  We are hardwired differently – imagine you are an iPhone – and therefore have been desperately awaiting an app to help clear out a glitch in your system but you are living in Android land and they, like you, never knew you were an iPhone.  You see, we both can achieve similar outcomes, we just need COMPATIBLE software uniquely designed for the specific hardware, that’s all.

This is the Unique “SOFTWARE” Solution for Women

Almost ALL other solutions (such as science, neuro-linguistic programming – NLP, personal development, self-help guru theories and psychology) are based on foundational beliefs that both male and female brains (including our unconscious minds) work in the same way, therefore were actually designed as if we are all wired like males! It’s not us women that are failing, it’s the processes that are failing us. Unlike all other processes, this is EXCLUSIVELY designed BY A FEMALE, FOR THE FEMALE MIND, making it revolutionary in the world of personal development and psychology for women!

Don’t Wait Any Longer. Start Forging Your Own Path Today!