Leadher to Freedom

Lisa Carruthers – Transformologist ®
Confidence Creator ™ for Women

Ambitious Women, Leaders, Women who are open-minded, or Passionate Role Models 40+

EmpowerHER Programs - 'RESET' Emotional Health Check Consultation

I want to be FREE mentally and emotionally for myself so I can take the next steps to feeling truly self-confident with a new sense of self-worth, while living an authentic and empowered limitless life, instead of going around in circles feeling the same thing day after day being STUCK and LIMITED!

These ‘Resets’ and call space offered are designed specifically for women who are committed to transforming their life while taking 100% full responsibility in a safe and supportive space that creates an opportunity to heal, grow and change. Today is the first step to feeling safe enough to share what’s truly on your heart and in your mind.

I’m so proud of you! Let’s do this!



Emotional and Limiting Beliefs


Your soul’s life lessons & tools to move forward


Delete inherited negative patterning


Your entire perspective so you can


The life you want

“Each Time A Woman Stands Up for Herself, She Stands Up for All Women”. Maya Angelou

Are You Feeling the daily pressures of… 

Not Good Enough, Unworthy, It’s too Hard, “What if?”…, Disregarded, Fear of Failure, Overwhelm,  Guilt, Hurt or maybe even Shame? 

These are just some of the most common emotions and limiting beliefs that are blocking women,  making them feel small, even ‘Crazy’, limited and unable to live their best life with true  Confidence, ease and flow …. taking up all your energy with ‘No Fun’ left in the tank …until NOW!

When you approach midlife it’s very interesting how your emotions, feelings, traumas (including  inherited from your bloodline) and life experiences really show up as cycles and patterns. 

You feel so deep down in them together with the constant ‘head chatter’, that you now feel you’ve become unrecognisable. You’re even very accustomed to feeling super lost without purpose or drive and your mind continually is wondering… WHY? 

You may even feel like it’s ground hog day again, that feeling of going around in circles up in your head, trying to work it all out, but the doubts, fears, insecurities and overwhelm is just too much for you! 

Sounding familiar?…yep! And I truly understand how you feel, I used to feel like this too, and it was debilitating! 

Please know in your heart of hearts there’s no need to feel frustrated any longer, or the need for you to stay feeling STUCK! 



This process affects the WHOLE of you and improves every area of your life.  It is specially designed for the female mind to help you realise the learnings you might otherwise wait your whole life to receive. 

You get to experience a real life wake-up call to enhance your life and raise your emotional intelligence from this day forward.

When we get to the root cause of the issues so it WON’T come back guaranteed.

Based on Science

It is developed based on the science of Epigenetics. Women are biologically wired differently from men. It’s fact. Our process works because it has been researched and proven.  Over 90% of programs out there are designed by a male so results can be hit and miss for women.

It’s the FUTURE of Personal Development, Psychology, and Psycho-somatic issues for Women.

Real Transformation that’s LONG LASTING!

Specific To Women

It is a fast process that is painless.

It’s formulated UNIQUELY for women’s minds, like Personal Development on steroids specifically for the Female Brain and how a Woman thinks.

 We know women are different from men and more prone to emotional sensitivity and suppressive issues, so our process respectfully considers this.

It’s been created by a Women for Women!

Limitless Possibilities

  • BECOME less stressed in your Career and life so you can make better decisions, keep reaching for your goals by hitting through your GLASS CEILINGS.
  • Be your true authentic self, no longer pretending that you have all your stuff sorted.
  • Worrying what others think of you, you have resilience, and your issues run off easily like teflon.
  • Overthinking, Not Good Enough, Self Doubting yourself and Fear of Rejection all sorted.
  • Become more Successful than you are now.
  • Abundance, Limitless Potential and Opportunities to open up for you.

Change Your Mindset

  • Transformation begins when you resolve your limiting beliefs, and inner conflicts to gain your own wisdom and confidence.
  • Changing your mindset, Freeing your heart.
  • Working with your conscious and unconscious mind together the FEMALE WAY.
  • You will create long-lasting change that ripples out for you as you step into the future you want to create NOW.

EmpowerHER Programs

It’s time to Re-imagine your dream life and how it unfolds – The Possibilities are ENDLESS when you decide.


The True Self-Care Program for Women

Self-Esteem Reset Package

If you have lost your glow, smile and shine in life from your day to day negative self-talk, this is where we start the transformation. You may even be in environments where you’re being undervalued and feel discouraged about your continual efforts to change and improve your life situation.

Low self-esteem keeps you playing small, and less than in a suppressed way, and you find this all too exhausting to improve, but you DO want change!

  • A self-esteem reset is designed to help you rediscover your true value and your own inner worth
  • Learn how to see yourself in a new light, with more positivity and confidence. Setting the tone to start creating stronger boundaries you may be missing in your life.
  • Create new ways to respond in your day to day activities instead of always being reactive in your relationships, work, and social life.
  • You develop yourself from your own inner wisdom that raises your emotional intelligence where you don’t have to consciously remind yourself you are worthy – you now begin to truly know within you!
  • This program is a 2 – 4 week 1:1 program facilitated by a licensed Transformologist® using the Creatrix® method that requires an emotional alignment health check prior.

APPLY for this program now!


 The Inner Peace Program for Women

Emotional Regulation Reset Package

This package is designed to help you resolve the way you over emotionalise your world because of how your perceptions are constantly on alert! You may find this can be quite stressful to try and come back into balance when there’s not much buffer within your triggered moments and your emotions rise in minimal time.

Recognising how your negative emotions make you feel is part of the transformation so you can wisely develop more peace and harmony within.

When your emotions are reset to a new calmer level you can create better choices to pause, think, and respond, instead of instantly reacting – this is the ultimate outcome!

  • An emotional regulation reset is designed to help you rediscover your own inner harmony and fine tune the balance of your emotions while developing more maturity about how they flow.
  • Learn how to reconnect with your inner-self that is more aligned with your true innate nature feeling more positive, relaxed, and taking a new outlook on life from your upgraded learnings.
  • Create new ways to respond in your day-to-day activities instead of always over emotionalising in your relationships, work, and social life.
  • You develop yourself from your own inner wisdom that raises your emotional intelligence where you don’t have to consciously remind yourself how you should feel – you now begin to enjoy more of you!
  • This program is a 2 – 4 weeks 1:1 program facilitated by a licensed Transformologist® using the Creatrix® method that requires an emotional alignment health check prior.

APPLY for this program now!


The Self Assured Duel Program for Women 

This program incorporates the two phenomenal packages of the Self-Esteem and Emotional Regulation Reset together as one fully encompassing program designed to highlight the duel power you have inside you to resolve self-worthiness and your ‘quick to rise’ emotional triggers so they become balanced with more ease and flow.

You gain all the benefits of these two aligned programs that will enhance your life and a positive outlook on your future.

This is for women who are undervaluing themselves and are looking to cover their bases of renewing their self-esteem and really building a foundation deep within their own psyche that creates an inner strength of really ‘knowing’, which is much stronger than any belief about who they are!

  • You develop yourself from your own inner wisdom that raises your emotional intelligence where you don’t have to have the inner battle within your mind. Gaining clarity and being more clear about yourself and your life becomes easier – love yourself on the inside!
  • Become who you are originally designed to be in this life, authentically and naturally you without all of your negative filters.
  • Reset to a new calmer level overall and create better choices to value yourself without others affecting your path like they used to.
  • Create new ways to respond emotionally to your day-to-day activities from a new perspective through all your relationships, work, and social life.
  • This program is a 4 – 6 weeks 1:1 program facilitated by a licensed Transformologist® using the Creatrix® method that requires an emotional alignment health check prior.

APPLY for this program now!


The Peaceful Path Program for Women – All Inclusive

This program is the perfect way to reset your whole be-ing back into balance from within. These are 3 complete programs, Self Esteem Reset, Emotional Regulation Reset, and Bonus Stress Response Reset Package inclusively as one package spanning over 4 – 6 months.

Resetting your self-esteem and emotions while including the ultimate BONUS of recalibrating your stress responses that affect you daily within your personal and or professional life, we leave no stone unturned.

Stress is incredibly detrimental to the female brain and organs due to the proven fact that women have a larger emotional center within the limbic system, and science has proven that women take longer to recover from stress than men. Until now!

  • This package is designed to help you resolve the way you see the value of yourself, the way you over-emotionalise your world, and finally the way you overreact within times of fear, flight, and freeze responses.
  • Transform your life by gaining the ultimate in your own inner wisdom, raising your emotional intelligence, and fine-tuning your intuition with this complete package – this is the ultimate empowerment!
  • This program is a 4 – 6 months 1:1 program facilitated by a licensed Transformologist® using the Creatrix® method that requires an emotional alignment health check prior.

APPLY for this program now!

We Are Paying It Forward

Leadher to Freedom is proud to help pay it forward by donating to a charity of our client’s choice after completing their reset. This is a powerful way to make a positive impact for women in need now, and for future generations locally & globally by serving others. You too can be part of the change the world needs to see more of – just ask us how?

We have helped the following charities:

About Me

Mother of 2 amazing adult children Jacob and Shannon, also a  Martial Arts Instructor and has 20+ years of personal experience in the Natural Health Industry including modalities of Hawaiian  Massage, Reiki, EFT Tapping, and Frequency Therapies. 

Emotional Health has been my most important value, purpose and drive since 2001. 

I’ve had to overcome many challenges [thyroid disease, nervous breakdown &  divorce] along my journey and I’ve had to dig deep to get through each and every one of them.  

It took commitment, dedication, change, and sheer guts to get to where I am today. 

None of which have been convenient!  

Learn More

My personal success has been through taking full responsibility for my life path and every decision I’ve made along the way. 

It’s not until now that I can truly appreciate and acknowledge through gratitude, the amazing leaders who mentored me to rise up and never give up.  

They helped create some life-saving foundations for me that truly strengthened my attitude and perspective. 

Leading me and supporting me to believe that my life was worth fighting for.  

My destiny was not be made by others, but by my ME, and that my vision and dream could come true of making my life, and my children’s life better. —I want you to have that belief also. 

You are destined for so much more! 

These days I’m living a new life with my new husband pursuing what we love to be, do, and have. I love the outdoors, sunshine and being active in nature, with walks along the beach with my two dachshunds being my favorite.

Empowering Women with health solutions is a deep passion of mine.

In my experience of helping women, I’ve come to realise we all have greatness inside us, and when it’s nurtured along with female guidance, women can reveal their true power and wisdom.  The beauty of this is the ripple effect that you get to be and feel like your true authentic self again ~ it’s the biggest reward! 

You have everything within you to make it happen. Just imagine if you can be yourself 100% of the time with no stress, no matter where you are.

Client Transformations

Meegan C

Lisa is an excellent Creatrix Transformologist, my work with her was deep and lasting. I highly recommend you put your trust in Lisa.

Bec C

Working with Lisa was a life changing experience. I was so pleased with the outcome of our sessions.
Lisa is very personable and we made a connection right away. Lisa made me feel comfortable and safe.
Lisa is an exceptional Transformologist®. I would highly recommend Lisa to anyone.

Karen R

Thank you Lisa, not just for helping me to resolve an issue that has been negatively affecting my life for 2 decards, but also for your patience & your genuinely caring attitude which made it easier for me to feel comfortable with the Creatrix® process.  Thank you XX

Helen N

I just had my final Creatrix session with Lisa and the difference it has made has been phenomenal. Its like I’ve had the ball and chain of my old disempowering beliefs holding me back released and now I’m free to go and create rather than focusing all my mental energy on healing. Speaking of energy, it’s also given me alot more physical and mental energy. Now that I no longer have those disempowering beliefs and states I feel a lot happier, alot more at peace with myself and with the world, and I feel like I am now in a receiving/attracting state now that I have peace of mind and am content with myself and the world.
Thank you so much Lisa for investing your time into freeing me from myself!!

Laura Jo

When working with Lisa, I felt her genuine care and professionalism. She listens and catches the words that I don’t even realize that I’m saying. It has been my pleasure to change and grow through my work with Lisa. I highly recommend Lisa and her services. Thank you, Lisa, for helping me make the shifts that have made such a big difference in my day-to-day living!


Lisa is a miracle worker! Lisa has the most caring personality and I feel she brings a soft professional approach to our sessions, really encouraging me to reach my goals and work through challenges that have been setting me back.

I’m so greatful I’ve found Lisa she is such an inspiration for women. If you want to take control of your life and your ready to make real change to reach out to Lisa.

Lisa you are truly a caring, kind beautiful person and I’m excited to use your teachings to continue to build my self-esteem and confidence for a happy successful future.

Don’t Wait Any Longer. Start Forging Your Own Path Today!